Release Notes for version

Product release notes detail every single modification made on the release. Find out what changed with Visual SEO Studio version

Visual SEO Studio

Published: Sunday, February 12, 2017

A feature release, permits to add to the major reports Search Analytics data columns via Google Search Console API integration.

What follows is a fully detailed Release Notes; for more insights about the release please read: Visual SEO 1.6 adds Search Analytics

New Features:

  • Google Search Console "Search Analytics" integration.
    Users of the Professional and Professional Trial editions can now add columns with "Search Analytics" data (Clicks, Impressions, CTR and average Positions) to Tabular View (so also including all Custom Filters result sets), to Data Exctration and to Readability Analysis reports.
    For each URL row in the tables the corresponding search analytics data are added in new columns. New columns can of course be sorted, re-arranged and will be included when exporting to Excel or CSV.
    User can fully configure search analytics setting to decide which data to retrieve (i.e. dates range, traffic type... all the options available in Google Search Console) and specify as well as many query term filters as they wish (for example to exclude all branded keywords).
    The process can be repeated for further refinements, the settings window will remember the previously set values, and the columns data will be updated. At the moment we decided to limit the amount of data retrieved via Google API to the top 5000 URLs.

User Experience / Usability:

  • Bad UX issue fixed: now the Professional Edition activation form (accessible thorough the "Insert Activation code..." menu item command) can also activate the Pro Trial edition.
  • 30-day Trial registration form: watermark example added to the Activation Code field to let the user understand where to paste the activation code.
  • Google API authentication (previously used only to retrieve administered sites, now also used by search analytics integration) Access tokens are not saved and refreshed when needed, no need to ask user to authorize each time for the same task.


  • Fixed crashing condition occurred to a user who crawled a root address as a sitemap (and the program didn't warn him), and then inspected hreflangs. Now the program doesn't crash in the case. Another fix will address the root cause.
  • When switching edition from Community to Professional Trial or Professional paid edition (upon inserting an Activation Code) left side panel didn't correctly show all enabled options (they were anyway available thorough the top menu, and shown at subsequent program launches).
  • Administered sites verification: fixes error occurring when the Google credentials where not bound to any Google Search Console property. Thanks to Andrea Pernici for reporting the error.
  • Fixed real world crash which occurred during crawling when the spider met a link with href starting with "http:" or "https:" but missing the double slash // part (e.g. href="https:www...")
  • Typos fixed (all languages) in user interface texts.