Release Notes for version

Product release notes detail every single modification made on the release. Find out what changed with Visual SEO Studio version

Visual SEO Studio

Published: Thursday, January 16, 2020

This a maintenance release.


  1. GSC authentication (used to integrate with Google Search Console): Google changed policies and stopped to permit using an embedded browser, so we are now using OAuth authentication based on an external browser.
    We used an embedded browser to mask complexity to the user, who now has to copy and paste an authorization code from the browser in a program window.
    Note: Google changes are justified to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, where they force programmers using an external browser not being able Google to distinguish legit applications like Visual SEO Studio which simply try to make life easier to their users.
    For Mac users: please ensure having a recent version of Safari, as older version have been reported not to work completely displaying a blank page.


  1. Tabular View, Polish language: "Path (encoded)" column name was translated as "Path (decoded)".
  2. Tabular View, Italian language: translations for column names "Path (encoded)" and "Path (decoded)" were swapped.