Crawl URL List
Usage scenarios
Conclusion, and What's Next
Crawl URL List: backlink profile analysis made easier
A new crawl mode makes off-site analysis straightforward:
URL lists can be merged from multiple sources
The new feature makes you easily import backlink URLs from all major backlink intelligence providers from their proprietary CSV formats, merging the lists for you, removing duplicate entries after an URL normalization. Expect other improvements in the area soon.
a preview let you import from the most common backlink intelligence providers CSV formats
Of course, you can also import a list of URLs copied in the clipboard.
URL lists can be huge for some sites, and Visual SEO Studio can handle them smoothly.
The main URL list is one of the classic Visual SEO Studio data grids, which makes you easily sort and/or re-export to .cvs the merged list:
Visual SEO Studio data grids are customizable
Oh, did you notice we moved the grids context menu command? Many users didn't know it was there, so we provided an easy to spot gear icon. Every single data grid in Visual SEO Studio is fully customizable and exportable, since day one.
Once the crawl starts, data is shown the usual way:
Visual SEO Studio crawling a list of URLs
and all usual views (table, crawl path, directory) and reporting tools (the various "suggestions" and Custom Filters) are available, applied to the cross-domain pages set.
Usage scenarios: how users might use it
The new feature opens up to new workflow scenarios.
It will become more common using link-dedicated search operators available in Custom Filters:
Custom Filters link operators
We'll further extend Visual SEO Studio inspection power, both in Custom Filters and in a new set of tools and reports specifically dedicated to links.
Users always find new unexpected ways of using the software, and their feedback often guides us on how to tune up. So don't be shy speak up, you'll always be listened.
Conclusions, and What's Next
This is not everything, there are several other improvements and fixes in the release. For a full and boring list, please consult the official Release Notes.
A special thanks goes to Andrea "garethjax" Scarpetta for reporting bugs and usability issues.
As you might have noticed, the release cycle frequency has almost doubled. We are getting closer to release 1.0, planned for before the end of the year. It's so exciting!
The end goal is to provide you with the best desktop SEO tool on the planet.
Now, what are you waiting for? Harvest all your backlink URLs and crawl them all!