SEO Reports Configurable Preferences

Often SEO agencies have their own policies and rules for On-Site SEO Auditing. Visual SEO Studio gives full flexibility to their needs!

Customizable Thresholds for HTML, URL and Performance Suggestions

Many SEO agencies and professionals have strict policies in place and don't want to settle with defaults imposed by SEO software when preparing SEO Auditing reports.
Visual SEO Studio is the first SEO Tool to come to their aid:

HTML, URL and Performance Suggestions criteria in Visual SEO Studio are configurable
HTML, URL and Performance Suggestions criteria are configurable (click to enlarge)

A little hint: while Visual SEO Studio permits you to report titles and meta descriptions exceeding a certain number of characters, please keep in mind it's not what search engines like Google care for.
Visual SEO Studio is the first SEO Audit Software able to report all titles exceeding the maximum width in pixel allowed in the SERP before having your text truncated, and those exceeding the maximum number of words after which your keywords would not be retrieved with the intitle: operator. See the page HTML Suggestions for further details.

See also: